What can we say about Alexander Hamilton? He was first Secretary of the Treasury, a Founding Father, economist, and in my humble opinion the best looking guy on American money. For these reasons, currently he has made his way into my banner. Eventually I will make a better one, but it is a nice start.
FYI...Hamilton eventually met his end in a dual with Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson's VP. Imagine that happening now.
This is the mission statement of this blog -- I guess. Basically, it's about different things I do to save money...with other bits and bobs thrown in. Also, crafts and cooking and projects...mostly ways to save money in creative ways. I coupon, deal search, garage sale shop, thrift shop shop, do my own cooking, and make a lot of things around my house (doesn't hurt that hubby is a carpenter!) and etc, etc. This may have good couponing deals but as for lists...no...there are tons of great blogs who list all the great deals of different stores. I may highlight some of my favorite deals or point you along your way, but that's not the point of this blog. It'll be the best deals mixed in with some crafts and creative fun to do on the cheap!
So the mission statement:
- Share my creative craft ideas
- Share my favorite deals and bargains
- Give ideas for money saving tips
- Share my frugal fun ideas
- Share recipes that are cheap that I've made
Quote of the Day:
"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."
-Alexander Hamilton
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