Sunday, April 19, 2009

RANT: Credit Card Fees!

Everyone hates credit card fees, of course, but what about when they are truly unfair! Please let my story be a WARNING for all of you still using credit. Credit card companies and banks have become VERY devious lately.

I opened a statement for Credit Card X last month to find a surprise. I had to pay a late fee of $39. I wasn't late, when in fact I had paid early. I was very irritated. Let's put aside the fact that $39 is ROBBERY for a moment considering my minimum payment each month is $12. Credit cards are out of control and we all know that.

I search my bill and notice that they had raised my payment amount from $12 to $21. I pay $20 each month (a little extra to pay it down) loyally from my bank account (automatic Bill Pay). So I was being charged a $39 late fee for $1 (which they conveniently are charging me all of a sudden).

I was fuming, but I let it go and made sure I paid $25 this month and paid it early around the 6th of this month (my bill is due the 12th every month since I've had this card).

I opened my statement yesterday and 'lo and behold I have another late fee! This time it says my payment was actually late. My payment was due on the 5th, apparently, even though it had been on the 12th for years. They changed my payment date and charged me $39.

I was steamed and called the company and they gave me back my close to $80. I still think, despite the refund, and their weak reasons for why they changed the date that it is another way to trick card holders into paying late and getting more money and fees. Now my date fluctuates every month (the man on the phone said).

I've been done with credit for awhile (just paying this off and then closing it) but I think people need to know that the banks and card companies are being...well in my humble opinion they are no better than loan sharks.

Keep on the lookout for any extra charges, and DO remember to call and complain!

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