Sunday, March 22, 2009

About Me...

I guess I'll do an intro post but I don't know what to say about myself. I'm going to be 30 in November and I'm married to a wonderful Scottish carpenter. My mom and sister live with me and our'll see the general cast of characters in my life as time wears on.

I like all sorts of things. I'm a hockey fan. I like to scrapbook. I read, watch TV and movies, and even video games. I love to travel. I love Disney. I like learning languages. There is always just so much interesting stuff to see and do.

I grew up poor, but we always had a lot, too. That is because of The Lord and my mom -- the boss. She was the original coupon cutter in my house and was so good at it that she could get things all the time for free. All of my friends wanted to come to my house when I was a kid because we had so much cereal for breakfast.

When I was an adult I was tired of being poor so I didn't think that much about saving and spent my money when I got it on what I wanted. It was a bad plan that got me into trouble, like so many people. I have learned my lesson and have paid for my past, and have turned over a new leaf.

I am not manic about deal hunting like some are, but I can be a bit obsessed...especially when coupons are involved. I spend hours a week searching ads, cutting coupons, figuring out where to shop, and shopping. At this point some of you get it...and some of you think that's too much work, but I make more per hour saving money than I do at my job, by far.

Because of the economy, my financial problems, and the fact that my husband is going through the green card process I'm the only one who has a job right now, though everyone contributes around the house. I've had to be crafty, however. The good news is...this is valuable info I'm learning that will carry over all of my life!

I believe God wants me to learn these lessons to help me in my life. I am a Christian and am trying to live a life that would please Him and make Him proud.

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. "
--C.S. Lewis

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