Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge Wednesdays!

I have gained quite a lot of weight (especially since hav
ing my son). So I am committing to losing the weight. It will be my weight loss challenge and I'm holding myself accountable on my blog. To be completely fair I will start with the fact that I have a thyroid problem. I recently went to the doctor and had my medicine adjusted so this should help.

I have also given up soda. That is big for me. I am on
ly drinking the occasional soda on the weekends so that I don't go completely insane. I have already gone 2 weeks without it and so far so good.

As far as a diet goes I am really not doing one although I will try to make smarter choices, but I've decided to use 3 of the most common health guidelines I've heard all of my life to guide this month and see how it goes:
  • Get 8 Hours of Sleep
  • Drink 8 Glasses of Water
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Not sure if 8 hours of sleep will help my weight loss but I'm going to try it. An apple may turn into another fruit but generally speaking I'm going to try to eat a piece of fruit a day and up my veggies, too. The water goes without saying, I don't drink enough and I know it will help flush out all the toxins in my body.

Please join my weight loss challenge!

I'm starting at 181 pounds (just weight myself). I want to lose 31 pounds by October which is 20 Wednesdays. I have to lose roughly 1.55 pounds per week to meet this goal. I may add in different weight loss tips as I go, so I'll keep you posted!

Starting Weight: 181 lbs
Goal Weight Loss: 31 lbs
Current Weight: 181 lbs
Weight Loss: 0 lbs
Pounds to Goal: 31 lbs to go!
Week #: 0
Before Picture

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